Provide a full-fledged platform enabling easy access to heterogeneous HPC-based cloud resources for advanced big-data services
Design big data services for storage, management, fusion, and analysis by exploiting interoperability standards and by ensuring security and privacy
Develop intelligent services for distributed digital twins covering advanced Machine Learning algorithms, physical simulation, on-line and off-line optimization
Deliver distributed digital twins in the field of manufacturing for production optimization and predictive maintenance
Delivering distributed twins in the field of facility management and processes optimization
Promote innovative business models for digital twins adoption in SMEs
As concrete outcomes, the IoTwins project will deliver:
a world-class architecture (and its reference implementation) for the coordination and interworking of distributed cloud-, edge-, and IoT-hosted twins, specifically tailored to SME-oriented test-beds for industrial production processes and facility management operations;
a PaaS layer simplifying access and integration of cloud resources (also hosted on HPC-specific resources when needed) for industrial IoT, heterogeneous big data sources, and remote edge components, capable of providing application developers with composability and integration facilities for distributed digital twin functions;
an edge computing framework (compliant with emerging standard specifications in the field, such as ETSI MEC) enabling dynamic deployment of edge twins, dynamic migration of pre-elaborated control models to them, and open orchestration of their control/reconfiguration actions with the cloud-hosted counterparts when needed. The framework will consider operating under industrial latency/reliability constraints, which will affect also the above decisions on dynamic deployment, model migration, and orchestration of production quality management actions;
vertical, industrial, and distributed digital twins for online quality management of production processes and optimization of facility management operations, which are central to the interest and core business of the consortium partners;
a well-assessed methodology for replicability towards companies even for different application sectors, for scalability, and for business models definition covering new forms of platform servitization, on premise deployment, and performance standardization/homogenization.