All presentations from the BDVA online event are now available

19th May 2020

Over 80 participants representing HPC, Data, AI and IoT areas of expertise with a good balance of Research, Industry, policy makers and other relevant players joined the online session held on May 5th 2020 and organized by BDVA, in collaboration with ETP4HPC and the European Commission.

IoTwins was also presented during the event: we talked about it here.

Outcomes of this workshop will be relevant for the future research and innovation activities in both the EuroHPC JU, and the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership, and are meant to support alignment in between both partnerships.

Organisers: Ana García Robles (BDVA), María Pérez (UPM, BDVA), Michael Malms (ETP4HPC, IBM)
Moderators: María Pérez (UPM, BDVA), Michael Malms (ETP4HPC, IBM)


DeepHealth: Mónica Caballero (Everis) and Jon Ander Gómez (UPV). Presentation here.
CYBELE: Steven Davy (TSSG) and Sophia Karagiorgou (Ubitech). Presentation here.
LEXIS: Jan Martinovič (IT4Innovations), Marc Levrier (ATOS), Stephan Hachinger (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre). Presentation here.
IoTwins: Paolo Bellavista (UNIBO), Franceco Millo (Bonfiglioli). Presentation here.
INFINITECH: Ernesto Troiano (GFT). Presentation here.

The video of the workshop is available here

